Oles Shtanko
Postdoctoral Researcher at IBM. Former Theoretical Quantum Optics Postdoctoral Fellow.
AlumniPostdoctoral Researcher
Contact Information
- Email:
- oshtanko@umd.edu
- Office:
3331 Atlantic Building
Research Areas:
- Polar molecules, magnetic atoms, and other dipolar systems
- Topological matter in AMO systems
- Driven-dissipative systems
- Alkaline-earth atoms
Research Groups
Recent Publications
Bounds on Autonomous Quantum Error Correction
, , arXiv:2308.16233 [quant-ph], (2023)Shtanko et al_2023_Bounds on Autonomous Quantum Error Correction.pdfMonitoring-induced entanglement entropy and sampling complexity
, , Physical Review Research, 4, (2022)PhysRevResearch.4.L032021-combined.pdfTight bounds on the convergence of noisy random circuits to the uniform distribution
, , PRX Quantum, 3, (2022)PRXQuantum.3.040329.pdf